About Clinic Aide


At Clinic Aide, we step in and do the basic and mundane work required for a practice, giving business owners the time and energy to focus on the things that they love, and intended to do when starting a business or practice.

With our extensive background in the healthcare and allied health industry, we have seen first-hand how much of a practitioner’s time is taken up with the nitty gritty of administrative duties, reception work, customer services, and social media.

We understand the reasons behind starting an allied health business and the passion needed for the industry, but we hate watching that appetite being drained out of the business owners/practitioners as they are overloaded with all the tasks they didn’t initially expect.

That is why we created Clinic Aide!

By joining forces with us, we take care of the tasks you would prefer not to do, so you can focus on what you do best, treating your patients.